Sunday, January 13, 2013

Home-made paris guide, markets

The web site of the city of Paris is a very, very useful tool for discovering special events, information about tourist sites et cetera.

One useful thing in it is the map of the street market
If you click on each market icon it brings you to the page with the information about the day of the week and the hours in which it is open.
(you can also read this ready-made blog post with more details on the same subject)
I find markets are one of the best ways to get to know a city, and this is particularly true for Paris. They are quite different from each other, often reflecting the life and people of the neighborhood they are found in.When I was looking for an apartment when I first arrived in Paris the street market was the first place I would visit while exploring a new neighborhood.

I guess I should add some pictures, as beautiful ones can be taken at markets.... that could be a good idea to feed a tumblr blog...

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