Friday, January 18, 2008

Really cool, really simple experiment

what freezes first, hot or cold water ?

try this experiment at home
I would add some unstirred food coloring.....

SBE Activity

Thursday, January 17, 2008

John K. in Naples .... ?

this image comes from the cnn site. of course it is of naples. it reminds me of this book (link below). I wonder if there is a John Kaltenbrunner somewhere .... what if this was someone's subtle plan to undo camorra's hold on the region. However it does not seem to work, as I read in the editorial page of the IHT today.

Lord of the Barnyard : Killing the Fatted Calf and Arming the Aware in the Corn Belt: Books: Tristan Egolf

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Sine-wave speech demos

Sine-wave speech demos

ok, now, go to this web site, listen to the SWS file and see whatyou can understand, then listen to the original speech and then go back to the SWS .... remind you of anything ? could this explein why it's sometimes difficult to understand a foreign language ?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Genographic Project

Tempting .... very tempting .... as any scientist will tell you the ultimate experiment is you.... so if you want to know the history in your DNA and take part in a real experiment here is your chance.... for just 99.95 US dollars :

How to Participate - The Genographic Project